Wednesday, January 8, 2014

And about the eleventh hour he went out, and found others standing idle, and saith unto them, Why stand ye here all the day idle?

 Making things up again Arnold.

Zion and Jerusalem, January 8, 2014

And about the eleventh hour he went out, and found others standing idle, and saith unto them, Why stand ye here all the day idle?

They say unto him, Because no man hath hired us.  He saith unto them, Go ye also into the vineyard; and whatsoever is right, that shall ye receive.

(New Testament | Matthew 20:6 - 7)


Dear Ava Sophia,

Hi, I hope this letter finds you soon and well.

My name is Miguel and I live in Central Florida. I am writing to you because I read your message below about

5 owesome resources for learning Today’s skills

where you said:

“Thank you for all those great ideas. Too bad that you must have money grow on tree for you to be able to take any of those classes, I have an MBA from an Ivy L School, and no job, because who wants to pay me for the degree I got? I seem to be overqualified for every job I apply. I don't come from wealthy family, I earned my way to that school I paid for it out of my own packet and with student loans. No I have been out of work for overt two years. 90K in student loans... all the money I saved I invested in my degree, I have a fancy degree, I sleep on my mom's couch, I had to short sale my house, I can't afford to buy my own food, let along invest any more in additional education, some of the classes you suggest are thousands of $. For the first time I know what depression feels like.. I worked hard all my life, and oh well who cares..”

And to me personally it was the only message worth reading. After it, the next thing I read from you was your name and, I seldom see such beautiful names as yours.  At least you have something not to be depressed about. Having said that, I want to tell you that I care and perhaps I can do something to help you see things from another angle, redirect your life and have great joy in the process not only in this life but in the life to come.  The world has eyes but they cannot see and the light of your fine mind and education shines in darkness but darkness comprehends it not. If the world has not had the privilege to notice you, I bear witness that the GOD of heaven does. Unfortunately, if I am allowed to say without offending you, you are clogged with parasites or with dark clouds that do not allow your light to shine. 

I am at the other side of the spectrum, I have no scholar education worth noting, but I am the possessor of skills that are beyond the human capacity and that have baffled the greatest minds.  As you see me now, I barely graduated from H.S. thru GED and English is not even my first language; and I am half deaf and not long ago I became totally disabled.  When I was young, I girded myself and went wherever I wanted. Now that I am not so young, another girds me and takes me where I do not want to go. In other words, like you, I was a hard worker and exceptional providers and I suddenly became unemployed and none wanted to hire me. One day about the eleventh a friend from a distant century noticed me and others standing idle and he said to us, “Why stand ye here all the day idle? And I and others said to him, because no one wants to hire us. He immediately employed me and sent me out to do errands for him.

And about the eleventh hour he went out, and found others standing idle, and saith unto them, Why stand ye here all the day idle?

They say unto him, Because no man hath hired us.  He saith unto them, Go ye also into the vineyard; and whatsoever is right, that shall ye receive.

(New Testament | Matthew 20:6 - 7)

And I have worked for him full time for nearly seven years.  My friend is still hiring and the Holy Ghost is available to all. And on his way, he also noticed you and sent me to fetch you and ask you if you want to work for him.  Its hard work but is worth more rewarding than any other employment in modern days. My friend owns a great university, you may have heard of it, “BYU” and has a peculiar system of secular and spiritual work to help all those who are willing to achieve their greatest potential. As a matter of fact he guided me to the site where I found you to tell you what he has said:


“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

(New Testament | Matthew 11:28 - 30)

Having said that, I came here in your facebook wall and I have noticed what is preventing you from achieving your goals.  And it is not your skills but your traditions and your current set of beliefs.  There is a bunch of negative energy creating a cloud over your head that some call depression. And if you do not get out of it while you can, it can become a chronic issue.  But that is ok, some of us have to hit the rock bottom before we can ascend where we belong unlike those that come from below and ascend only to fall and never rise again.  If you allow me, I can help you dissipate that dark cloud and when you are free from it, you will see clearly where the opportunities lie ahead.

I am not here by my own will, please do not think of me as a mere charlatan. I have sure credentials that I could show upon request. I was sent to fetch you and he who sent me has an interest in you. Unfortunately, few have the moral courage and moral intellect that I have to approach you and offer you an official invitation. All that is required of you is the heart and a willing mind and the rest will be provided by my employer if you give him a chance to help you. He says that if you give heed to his invitation and receive his training and direction, which is priceless but is not bough with money, you will become active again and you will have great joy in this life and in the life to come.  He assures with a guarantee that you will discover, not only your true potential but your divine identity, your precedence and the purpose of your existence.

In the introduction, this is what God said to me thru a patriarch when I was searching for some answer to redirect my own life:


“Beloved Brother Miguel Angel Tinoco, as a Patriarch in Israel, having been ordained by a prophet of the LORD Jesus Christ and according to your righteous desires at this time to hear from the LORD concerning your eternity, I give unto you a Patriarchal blessing from the LORD. In this blessing you will learn that the LORD GOD is mindful of you and desires to bless you with all good gifts and blessings. This blessing will contain instructions, admonitions and a declaration of you lineage. If you will live for the promises and admonitions contained in this blessing, it will become unto you a source of comfort and encouragement forever. It will help you to understand your missions and your relationship with all of god’s children.

Brother Tinoco, in the great pre mortal councils you were prominent and took active part. There our Father in heaven and the LORD Jesus Christ knew you and you were acquainted with their voices. Because of your obedience to the principles of righteousness, truth and virtue as they were taught to us by our father in heaven, you have been sent to earth in the dispensation of the fullness of times with very important missions to fulfill and which the LORD is expecting you to fulfill…”

After this, the LORD inspired the patriarch to disclose a couple of pages full of very personal information concerning me, my duties, abilities, potential and Eternity that is not proper for me to disclose in public. But in one or two of those lines in that page, the LORD spoke specifically about you or people in your current position. And he said:

“There are many of the Lord’s children in the world today who are running to and fro seeking a safe channel and a stable anchor. It will be your responsibility and your mission to light the way for these people.”

And in another line, which may or may not pertain to you or your current condition the LORD also says: 


“There are many of the Lord’s children in the world today who are physically or mentally handicapped and find a hard time getting joy out of life. It will be your responsibility to help many of these children of the LORD to find joy and to understand the gospel and have the Lord’s spirit to be with them throughout their lives-even throughout their eternities…”


Now Ava, I do not know which part of this blessing that I received pertains to you, but I know that you have a right to receive a blessing just like me that contains what you are seeking in life and how to obtain an perhaps things that you do not even imagine yet of your eternal possibilities.  I learned that I had an ability to write and impact people for better and for worst that no university of the world will be able to teach me. As you, I am overqualified for many jobs in the world, but in the Lord’s established kingdom, I have plenty of work to last me until he comes or until the kingdom comes to keep me busy both in the secular and in the spiritual sector. And I am pretty sure he has use for you somewhere in there and all who wish to give heed to this invitation whether they are idle or not. In my case, I do not get paid for my services for I work mainly in the spiritual sector, and my benefits are intangible in this world for the most part. And the perks are great!!! But in your case, if you receive his invitation with humility, he will find something for you to do in the secular sector or both and you will improve your opportunities to achieve your temporal and intellectual goals.

I am just here to tell you that you have one life page full of blessings missing or unwritten from your professional resume that no spiritual medium, horoscope or degree of meditation will ever give, recite or disclose to you.   As a matter of fact, it is in their best interest for these entities for you never to find how important you are to my employer or to know that he exists. You know what and of whom my employer is or of whom I am talking about, even Jesus Christ, the GOD of heavens and earth. You are a very intelligent person and I have used parables and a suggestive language to persuade you, none of which is false or ill willed.  My job is just to show you the way and it is you free will and choice to take it or leave it. The best way to know more about us is to request information from my employer by calling this number; and if you do not know what to say just read part or the whole of this letter:

Please call: 1-888-537-6600

 Or by visiting this website:
And the other way is to stalk a couple of Mormon Missionaries; yes, you have seen them here and there in bicycle or walking around and knocking doors,  going about doing good and  inviting people to come unto Christ. So, when you spot them,  grab them by the neck tie and demand that they teach you their message. I suggest you be a little kind so that they are not afraid. But either way, they will be more than glad to sit with you and spit the whole soup of all the things I have been talking about in more detail. It may take a few sessions, but I assure you that if you truly want to change your circumstances and become active and productive again, one thing will lead to another and you will know that I lie not.  My friends, the missionaries, will be delighted for the privilege and opportunity to talk to you and serve you if needs be.


Other than that, I am very sorry for my boldness and my bizarre way of contacting you and explaining things. I lack education and manners. But, please be assured that I act humbly and by spiritual impulse by selfless love and duty to GOD and to you. It was my only intention to tell you that there are people that truly care; and now you can see all that I was prompted to write to you as if I knew you forever or as if we were college pals. Maybe we knew each other in the previous life and that is the reason for my familiarity. I also figure that you have some free time to read and that none of you friends, known or unknown as been so creative and interested in your welfare and in your eternity, much less, none had written to you so intensively to you as I.  I sincerely believe that you are one of us and you are moments away to find out. And last but not least, I never act in my own name, but these things I say and leave with you solemnly, even as one having authority in the sacred name of Jesus Christ, amen

Attentively Yours, from an unworthy servant in the hands of Christ

Miguel Angel Tinoco Rodriguez

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