And if the time comes that
the voice of the people doth choose iniquity
Zion and Jerusalem,
June 28, 2015
And if the time comes that the voice of the people doth choose iniquity, then is the time that the judgments of God will come upon you; yea, then is the time he will visit you with great destruction even as he has hitherto visited this land.(Book of Mormon | Mosiah 29:27)
United States of America was
established as a Republic, with the US constitution and the original
bill of rights as the supreme law of the Land. This means that this nation is
supposed to be governed by law and order and not by the whip of any majority as
it is in a transient democracy.
a republic, no one is above the law. If angels ruled, it would be convenient
for any people to have kings, but since under heaven we all have the tendencies
to be carnal, sensual and devilish, we cannot trust the affairs of all people
to any man. This is what makes a
Republic a superior form of government than a transient Democracy. In a republic, the public thing, the law,
restrains both the rulers, and the governed to rule themselves or face the
sanctions of the law.
is one simple or plain example:
a person is accused or suspected of a crime, in a court of law, all persons are
supposed or considered to be innocent until proven guilty. And after the trial, if there is reasonable
doubt of his guilt or innocence, by law, that person is set free from the sanctions
of the law. When decided upon all
presented evidence, a jury of his peers cannot even vote yea, or nay to decide
if the suspect is guilty, the decision has to be unanimous or the suspect goes
free. Jurors are mandated to operate
under certain standards or these guidelines by the justices or judges.
sun does not stop shining because we chose to live in the dark, nor because we
vote for it to stand still beyond the horizon. The moon
does not stop shining by the complaints of every wolf that howls or any dog
that barks at her. Now if jurors have to
act as judges, how come the judges of the Supreme Court of the United States
among others, do not act under the same criteria they give jurors when trying
cases? If they are not going to
interpret the law in accordance with the law of the land, why in the hell do we
need them? IN other words, why do they
prevaricate the law of the land that was established by the founding fathers
for the protection of all flesh according to moral principles to rule in favor
of unnatural lawlessness? Do not they
know or realize that the supreme law of the land is bound or grounded to the
very entrails of the earth?
the law of the land is blatantly violated, they judges become obsolete, non
viable or unimportant or useless; then, when that happens whether we like it or
not, whether we know it or not, the law is and must be sanctioned by the laws of
nature and/or by natural law. This means that the laws of nature will bring it’s
severe and irrevocable judgments upon the people or the nation with our permission
and without it and nothing under heaven can reverse it. For instance, if you cut all the earth
supporting trees of a hill near the city you live in, by natural law or by the
laws of nature, all the people of that city are liable to suffer all sort of
existential perils or to be ravished by pestilence, disease, land erosion,
floods and landslides when the rain or the shaking of the earth comes.
even if we were ignorant of the purpose and powers of justice in the law, in
any given society, whether we live under a monarchy, republic, democracy or an oligarchy,
it is not common for the majority of the voice of the people to choose that
which is not right for them. But it is common for the lesser part of the people
to choose that which is not right. And by this measuring stick one can tell if
the people are happy under the rule of righteous rulers of miserable under the
rule of wicked and oppressive rulers. If
they are mostly happy, peaceful, free to act individually and collectively and
prosperous, is a sure sign that the land is also happy.
But if the people mourn, feel oppressed, freedom and liberty is receding, and the rains and hail beat upon the crops, the plains are flooded, the forest are taking fire because of the thunderbolts, then it is a sign that the god of nature suffers or that the earth has been offended and defiled, she is not happy. Because when the majority of the people chose iniquity, higher laws must act by nature or natural law and then judgments of an offended GOD must precipitate upon the people as it has hitherto happened upon the land. The Supreme Court Judges of this people have both failed and betrayed the law of the land and the voice of the people.
But if the people mourn, feel oppressed, freedom and liberty is receding, and the rains and hail beat upon the crops, the plains are flooded, the forest are taking fire because of the thunderbolts, then it is a sign that the god of nature suffers or that the earth has been offended and defiled, she is not happy. Because when the majority of the people chose iniquity, higher laws must act by nature or natural law and then judgments of an offended GOD must precipitate upon the people as it has hitherto happened upon the land. The Supreme Court Judges of this people have both failed and betrayed the law of the land and the voice of the people.
prophets of the true and living GOD have warned us with severe warning and
consequences not to allow these things to happen to us by choosing wise leaders
for the people. THE LORD OUR GOD has commanded us to share equally the burden
of the law and he has charged us to appoint leaders that fear GOD, men of truth
hating covetousness so that these abominations do not fall upon us, nor upon
our leaders. This is what the LORD said
to Moses thru Jethro, his father in law and also to others.
Hearken now unto my voice, I will give thee counsel, and God shall be with thee: Be thou for the people to God-ward, that thou mayest bring the causes unto God:And thou shalt teach them ordinances and laws, and shalt shew them the way wherein they must walk, and the work that they must do.Moreover thou shalt provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over them, to be rulers of thousands, and rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens: And let them judge the people at all seasons: and it shall be, that every great matter they shall bring unto thee, but every small matter they shall judge: so shall it be easier for thyself, and they shall bear the burden with thee.If thou shalt do this thing, and God command thee so, then thou shalt be able to endure, and all this people shall also go to their place in peace.(Old Testament | Exodus 18:19 - 23)
And now behold I say unto you, it is not expedient that such abominations should come upon you.Therefore, choose you by the voice of this people, judges, that ye may be judged according to the laws which have been given you by our fathers, which are correct, and which were given them by the hand of the Lord.Now it is not common that the voice of the people desireth anything contrary to that which is right; but it is common for the lesser part of the people to desire that which is not right; therefore this shall ye observe and make it your law—to do your business by the voice of the people. And if the time comes that the voice of the people doth choose iniquity, then is the time that the judgments of God will come upon you; yea, then is the time he will visit you with great destruction even as he has hitherto visited this land.And now if ye have judges, and they do not judge you according to the law which has been given, ye can cause that they may be judged of a higher judge. If your higher judges do not judge righteous judgments, ye shall cause that a small number of your lower judges should be gathered together, and they shall judge your higher judges, according to the voice of the people.And I command you to do these things in the fear of the Lord; and I command you to do these things, and that ye have no king; that if these people commit sins and iniquities they shall be answered upon their own heads.(Book of Mormon | Mosiah 29:24 - 30)
the promise of the Lord is fulfilled. He said in ancient times that today as in
former times, the people honor GOD with their lips, but their hearts are far
away from him, for they teach for commandments the precepts of men, having form
of godliness but denying the powers thereof. Instead of hearing amazing grace what the LORD hears is amazing disgrace. Nevertheless, to combat this wickedness, the
LORD said also thru his prophet that to startle this people, he will conduct a
strange act, and direct a marvelous work and a wonder. For the wisdom of their
wise men shall perish; and the understanding of the prudent shall be hid. Because
the learned have gone astray beyond the mark and turned things upside down; and
they plot against the people in the dark, the LORD is going to reveal unto us
babes their nakedness and put them all to shame. To this end, the LORD has promised
to send wisdom and understanding to the people of low degree so that they learn
doctrine and cease to depend upon the understanding of the learned. And by so doing the meek of the earth shall pull
down the tables of the money exchangers and set them as naught.
Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men:Therefore, behold, I will proceed to do a marvellous work among this people, even a marvellous work and a wonder: for the wisdom of their wise men shall perish, and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid.Woe unto them that seek deep to hide their counsel from the LORD, and their works are in the dark, and they say, Who seeth us? and who knoweth us? urely your turning of things upside down shall be esteemed as the potter's clay: for shall the work say of him that made it, He made me not? or shall the thing framed say of him that framed it, He had no understanding?Is it not yet a very little while, and Lebanon shall be turned into a fruitful field, and the fruitful field shall be esteemed as a forest? nd in that day shall the deaf hear the words of the book, and the eyes of the blind shall see out of obscurity, and out of darkness.The meek also shall increase their joy in the LORD, and the poor among men shall rejoice in the Holy One of Israel. or the terrible one is brought to nought, and the scorner is consumed, and all that watch for iniquity are cut off:That make a man an offender for a word, and lay a snare for him that reproveth in the gate, and turn aside the just for a thing of nought.Therefore thus saith the LORD, who redeemed Abraham, concerning the house of Jacob, Jacob shall not now be ashamed, neither shall his face now wax pale.ut when he seeth his children, the work of mine hands, in the midst of him, they shall sanctify my name, and sanctify the Holy One of Jacob, and shall fear the God of Israel.They also that erred in spirit shall come to understanding, and they that murmured shall learn doctrine.(Old Testament | Isaiah 29:13 - 24)
I Miguel, am half deaf and suffer from some form of physical brain damage that
causes me to stammer or lose my train of thought in the middle of a
conversation. It is a form of early age dementia that causes me mind to go blank and
to overs say things like a transistors radio and also to forget stuff like shaving when I am in front of a mirror with the face full of soap and the razor in the hand. It has to do with the short memory. My physical brain is deteriorating
but my mind is sharp. In order to compensate for this disability, I have to read and write a lot. It is the only way to keep me from forgetting who I am and what I need to do. the LORD has
blessed me with the ability to write and he has given me the tongue of the
learned or to express myself as the scholars do. But in all truth, I am but a le incompetent, or a man
of low degree. I have no more solid education than that High school. I graduated in the
tenth years by GED examination. And after that I went two semesters to a community college
to little or no avail.
the lawyers, the lawgivers, the rulers, the judges and scholars of science, I have not learned or studied under heaven the
weighty matters of the law, neither have I the understanding of the wise and
prudent, even those that have studied the word, the numbers and the sciences.
As a matter of fact, I don’t even think because I cannot even think right. My
thoughts get cloudy all the time; and it spins the same thing over and over. When I speak I stammer or make involuntary
pauses because I lose the train of thought and my mind goes point blank. I am a horrible public speaker and the people hate me when I speak because of the things I leave unsaid.
It is a miracle how I have survived thus far. I know I depend upon GOD for all the things I say; and thanks to the GOD of my Fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, my mind is as hard and sharp as the tip of a diamond, but only when in use for a GOD cause. The LORD told me that I have a fine mine and a find body to serve him, but that is not the same for the world we live in. No matter how hard I have tried to get a job, no one wants to hire me. I don't know if it is because of the things I say, my lack of education or how the establishment has branded me, a paranoid schizophrenic, with bipolar disorder or depression and mania and even dementia. I have never seen my file, so I do not know, i only know that it is not good. I recognize my limitations, but i do not accept them because for me it will be like accepting defeat. I do not want to spend my life as a vegetable intoxicated with psychotropic medications.
Therefore, when I write about anything, most of the time, I am not here speaking to you my own reasoning and thinking, I am speaking to you the very mind of GOD according to the few things that I have learned and that all of you can unanimously agree on. if I were to try to speak what I am writing, I will be sorely unsuccessful and make a fool of myself. Even at church my brethren discriminate me. They do not give me opportunity to speak or to teach unless I take it once a month or by answering questions. I am good at answering questions because the law of GOD and his word is written in my heart. I am like a walking dictionary, the keeper of the scriptural codex. When I quote the scriptures is like GOD was talking to you directly.
It is a miracle how I have survived thus far. I know I depend upon GOD for all the things I say; and thanks to the GOD of my Fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, my mind is as hard and sharp as the tip of a diamond, but only when in use for a GOD cause. The LORD told me that I have a fine mine and a find body to serve him, but that is not the same for the world we live in. No matter how hard I have tried to get a job, no one wants to hire me. I don't know if it is because of the things I say, my lack of education or how the establishment has branded me, a paranoid schizophrenic, with bipolar disorder or depression and mania and even dementia. I have never seen my file, so I do not know, i only know that it is not good. I recognize my limitations, but i do not accept them because for me it will be like accepting defeat. I do not want to spend my life as a vegetable intoxicated with psychotropic medications.
Therefore, when I write about anything, most of the time, I am not here speaking to you my own reasoning and thinking, I am speaking to you the very mind of GOD according to the few things that I have learned and that all of you can unanimously agree on. if I were to try to speak what I am writing, I will be sorely unsuccessful and make a fool of myself. Even at church my brethren discriminate me. They do not give me opportunity to speak or to teach unless I take it once a month or by answering questions. I am good at answering questions because the law of GOD and his word is written in my heart. I am like a walking dictionary, the keeper of the scriptural codex. When I quote the scriptures is like GOD was talking to you directly.
With regards to secular learning, am not far behind. I know more than what I can tell because i have learned both by self study and by faith. But in the things you and I know may in common, I
remember very well my Biology teacher Mr. Winston in his biology class at High Point High School in the late eighties. He
looked like Mr Wilson from Dennis the Menace.
He taught me, the Menace, something about life that I will never
forget. He taught me pattern of
organization of life as known to science. He said that all living organisms,
are first born, second, they grow up and mature, third, they multiply and
fourth, they die. This is the firs time
when I was introduced to the doctrine of patterns.
All things both organic and inorganic and even religious things, are organized by patterns of organization that my mind comprehends. And in patterns there are opposites and antagonists. The reality of all things is made up of four factors that are called states. If you understand those factors, you understand the entire micro and macro cosmos or the universe. The LORD even gave me a compass and a square rule to measure and comprehend all things. IT is called the universal compass. It is similar to the compass and the square the masons use. But my compass is complete for I have transcended the common knowledge. The compass the LORD has given me explains the reality and nature of all things. It defines even the most intricate delicacies of matter with absolute precision. With it, you can even prove light after death and the existence of GOD and his nature. You cannot err. The LORD said thru his prophet that We cannot be right by doing wrong and we cannot be wrong by doing what is right. I can tell, he must have a universal compass also. Here is a picture I made of mine.
I also remember my Jewish Math teacher Mrs. Kaplan. I learned from her about the
nature of numbers, that where there is a beginning there must also be an end
and that where there is no beginning there is no end. This is when my mind
begun to experience the scope of limitations and the span of all eternity.
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To infinity and beyond |
my Russian History teacher whose name I forgot, I learned to count time or
dates backwards or before and after the present era.
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Earth's Mortal Time Line |
And from my history
teacher, I learned my US
citizenship civic duties, basically our government and its main powers. This may not be much leaning at all, but there
is more than meet the eye. These little
things do form some very strong building blocks in my limited intellect and my
unlimited potential. I learned to
dissect gravity and understand my cosmic neighborhood in and out.
to these four little and simple things, I know for a fact, that I was not born
out of a potato; or a headache; or a monkey; or the sleeve of a shirt or of an
idea. I was born from a set of
heterosexual homo sapiens or from a man and a woman. I learned and understood that I was no different
than any other human being, that I was neither inferior or superior, but most
importantly that I had with an inalienable right to live, to grow up, to
propagate myself and when the time comes to die. By this simple stick, if I were to tell you
that I was born of two men or of two women; I will be lying to you, and by self
evident truth you will know it because it violates the pattern of organization
of life, the math does not ad up and the laws of GOD and of the land or nature do not support it. And naturally, no one can
change that fact. I am telling you the
truth or the knowledge of things as they are, as they have been and as they are
to come. Have the workers of iniquity,
even the president of the United
States, the US Congress and the Supreme
Court, no knowledge?
I or anyone were to become or call myself Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual or Transsexual, it would
be only because of a choice and not because I was born as such. It is self evident truth. Oh, Say can you see, by the dawn early light. Somewhere along
the path from Childhood to adolescence or beyond, the seeds of sin are planted
or begin to grow in the soul of an individual. And that seed when left to grow unchecked, it engenders doubt; and doubt splits and corrupts the mind
and perverts the body. The LORD has always commanded his people to bring up their children in the light of truth. They either embrace or reject it. What these souls
lack is greater truth in them. Inject them some truth and the root of the problem will
appear. And it is the struggle of truth and falsehood that gives rise to the man
of sin or the enemy of GOD whom he will destroy by the brightness of his
whole world can comb the earth in and out and look for the pedigree or ancestry
of a GLBT human organism and they will l never find it, neither their progeny or descendants
because they never existed unless they consider themselves animals. If, so they are not humans but things or property of some sort. Despite
opinions and delusions that are in contradiction, not one human being was ever born
gay, because there are no gay fathers or mothers and never were, and never will
be, except in the corrupt imagination of the pervert who go on deceiving and
being deceived. Two homosexuals from either a female and male gender can mate all they want until the kingdom come and they will never produce an offspring or seed. Is that so hard to understand?
LGBT is a choice not a
right. And a very perverse choice. If not, where is the pattern of
organization of life of that living organism, give it to me GOD damn it? As an
LGBT a person may have right to live, but even if unmolested, sadly only for one single generation.
By that selfish attitude, they are not only killing themselves alive or temporally but
also spiritually because they are depriving their parents of the propagation of
theirs seed, of their increase of liberty and limiting or murdering their
happiness, leaving them neither root nor branch. As an GLBT, a person can never be a true supporter of
life, neither a promoter of liberty much less of true happiness other than temporarily
or unless they kill the family or the root of society and steal our kids. There is no human vice so selfish, so traitorous
and so murderous and than that of a declared yet unrepentant, GLBT people. They do not only bring death and misery upon
themselves, but are the true killers of civilization. GLBT is the epitome of unconstitutionality.
devil is so miserable because he lacks a family like we all do. He cannot have a
Father, a Mother, a wife nor engender any biological children. He damned himself before the
earth was organized. He has nothing, he owns no property nor can he ever pass
his genes to anyone. He was not always a devil and he knows it, but he chose to become one and so can you. Therefore since misery or nothingness likes the company of misery or
nothingness, the devil desires all human being born in the living image and
likeness of GOD to be miserable like unto himself. This is why unrepentant GLBT in their sin of rebellion hate God and
the constitution or the law of the land because by having no mother or father
as they think or believe, they have no life or constitution to support them. Therefore, only under the libertinage in
lawlessness they can exist in peace while it lasts or until the ROAR OF D.O.M.A
reaches heaven. Then the fireworks
always begin to fall as you saw then during when the provision of D.O.M.A were dropped
by the SU Supreme Court; and now when they Legalized for us all to support
in order to exist unmolested, the GLBT community has to supplant and usurp what
God and nature will never and ever give them, a family of their own. And this is the root of their rage. And this is the main camp or struggle of every crooked serpent. They will not be happy until they doom us all
as it happened anciently in Sodom and Gomorrah where they did grow up to the
depravity that the US has allowed to grow and to exist. It is not a matter of ignorance. They know that
they are willfully rebelling against the law of the land and against the laws
of GOD. And by so doing the lawyers, lawgivers and judges of these people have
laid the foundation or paved the way for the destruction of this people unless you condemn and repel and fight to the death for your rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Now, by law, as they claim, we are all mandated to share in their misery and support their iniquity. They have digged a pit, hell has enlaged his mouth and sang amazing grace to ensnare us all with the chains of hell to cast us into hellfire.
The LORD tried to warn you for the past 180 years, if not more, but you would not
listen. Now you have to pay. And I will make sure that you pay, for my strong arm,
says the LORD is fully empowered and it is grounded in the law of the land, for
I have sworn that abominations shall not rule and the flood or mighty waters will
reach your uttermost hiding place. It will reach you. For it is writen that the judgement of GOD will overtake the wicked and it is by the wicked that the wicked are punished. We have just arranged the melting pot for your to come to the meeting.
Revelation and prophecy on war, given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, December 25, 1832. HC 1:301–302. This section was received at a time when the brethren were reflecting and reasoning upon African slavery on the American continent and the slavery of the children of men throughout the world.
And that great and abominable church of the devil which rides in a multi colored beast, as you have seen, shall be cast down by devouring fire. For is the LORD did not spare his own house that was like a tender plant unto him and he burned it with scorching flames, what shall become of dry wood when the fire approaches them?
But, behold, the judgments of God will overtake the wicked; and it is by the wicked that the wicked are punished; for it is the wicked that stir up the hearts of the children of men unto bloodshed.
(Book of Mormon | Mormon 4:5)
Revelation and prophecy on war, given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, December 25, 1832. HC 1:301–302. This section was received at a time when the brethren were reflecting and reasoning upon African slavery on the American continent and the slavery of the children of men throughout the world.
1–4, War foretold between the Northern States and the Southern States;
5–8, Great calamities shall fall upon all the inhabitants of the earth.
1 VERILY, thus saith the Lord concerning the wars that will shortly come to pass, beginning at the rebellion of South Carolina, which will eventually terminate in the death and misery of many souls;
2 And the time will come that war will be poured out upon all nations, beginning at this place.
3 For behold, the Southern States shall be divided against the Northern States, and the Southern States will call on other nations, even the nation of Great Britain, as it is called, and they shall also call upon other nations, in order to defend themselves against other nations; and then war shall be poured out upon all nations.
4 And it shall come to pass, after many days, slaves shall rise up against their masters, who shall be marshaled and disciplined for war.
5 And it shall come to pass also that the remnants who are left of the land will marshal themselves, and shall become exceedingly angry, and shall vex the Gentiles with a sore vexation.
6 And thus, with the sword and by bloodshed the inhabitants of the earth shall mourn; and with famine, and plague, and earthquake, and the thunder of heaven, and the fierce and vivid lightning also, shall the inhabitants of the earth be made to feel the wrath, and indignation, and chastening hand of an Almighty God, until the consumption decreed hath made a full end of all nations;
7 That the cry of the saints, and of the blood of the saints, shall cease to come up into the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth, from the earth, to be avenged of their enemies.
8 Wherefore, stand ye in holy places, and be not moved, until the day of the Lord come; for behold, it cometh quickly, saith the Lord. Amen.
(Doctrine and Covenants | Section 87:Heading - 8)
And that great and abominable church of the devil which rides in a multi colored beast, as you have seen, shall be cast down by devouring fire. For is the LORD did not spare his own house that was like a tender plant unto him and he burned it with scorching flames, what shall become of dry wood when the fire approaches them?
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Abominable Church of the Devil |
And the great and abominable church, which is the whore of all the earth, shall be cast down by devouring fire, according as it is spoken by the mouth of Ezekiel the prophet, who spoke of these things, which have not come to pass but surely must, as I live, for abominations shall not reign.(Doctrine and Covenants | Section 29:21)
prophesy in the name of Jesus Christ that all those who support, promote and promulgate
corrupt and hateful laws in the United
States and abroad, even upon all the nations
of the gentiles will be hunted down. And
that great pit which they have been digging to snare the people of GOD will be
filled by those who carved it, for the LORD Jesus Christ, the GOD of these
lands has spoken it. And the abomination that makes desolate, it shall begin with
us, and upon these lands. And from here it shall spread abroad the whole earth,
and the earth will be left without inhabitants, only few will be left to
inherit the desolate places. Now listen to me, please give heed to my incomprehensible
speech. This is no joking matter, be ye not mockers, lest your bonds in sin be
made stronger, for I have heard of a great consummation decreed upon the whole
earth. For so has the LORD spoken it
The Pit of Hell
And that great pit, which hath been digged for them by that great and abominable church, which was founded by the devil and his children, that he might lead away the souls of men down to hell—yea, that great pit which hath been digged for the destruction of men shall be filled by those who digged it, unto their utter destruction, saith the Lamb of God; not the destruction of the soul, save it be the casting of it into that hell which hath no end.For behold, this is according to the captivity of the devil, and also according to the justice of God, upon all those who will work wickedness and abomination before him.(Book of Mormon | 1 Nephi 14:3 - 4)
For thou
shalt break forth on the right hand and on the left; and thy seed shall inherit
the Gentiles, and make the desolate cities to be inhabited.
Testament | Isaiah 54:3)
War in Heaven
For behold, saith the prophet, the time cometh speedily that Satan shall have no more power over the hearts of the children of men; for the day soon cometh that all the proud and they who do wickedly shall be as stubble; and the day cometh that they must be burned. For the time soon cometh that the fulness of the wrath of God shall be poured out upon all the children of men; for he will not suffer that the wicked shall destroy the righteous.Wherefore, he will preserve the righteous by his power, even if it so be that the fulness of his wrath must come, and the righteous be preserved, even unto the destruction of their enemies by fire. Wherefore, the righteous need not fear; for thus saith the prophet, they shall be saved, even if it so be as by fire.Behold, my brethren, I say unto you, that these things must shortly come; yea, even blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke must come; and it must needs be upon the face of this earth; and it cometh unto men according to the flesh if it so be that they will harden their hearts against the Holy One of Israel.For behold, the righteous shall not perish; for the time surely must come that all they who fight against Zion shall be cut off.(Book of Mormon | 1 Nephi 22:15 - 19)
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I will raise up unto my people a man, who shall lead them like as Moses led the
children of Israel.
and Covenants | Section 103:16)
Verily, verily, I say unto you, darkness covereth the earth, and gross darkness the minds of the people, and all flesh has become corrupt before my face. Behold, vengeance cometh speedily upon the inhabitants of the earth, a day of wrath, a day of burning, a day of desolation, of weeping, of mourning, and of lamentation; and as a whirlwind it shall come upon all the face of the earth, saith the Lord. And upon my house shall it begin, and from my house shall it go forth, saith the Lord; First among those among you, saith the Lord, who have professed to know my name and have not known me, and have blasphemed against me in the midst of my house, saith the Lord.(Doctrine and Covenants | Section 112:23 - 26)
have seen the dragon falcon hurled down like a thunderbolt, he knows he has but little time;
and he will try his utmost to destroy you all. Enjoy your wickedness while it
For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.
(Old Testament | Isaiah 14:13 - 15)
As you have seen thus far, the
anger of the LORD is kindled, and his sword is bathed in heaven and it is ready
to fall upon you as that Dragon Rockets was propelled or hurled down by a malfunctioning
Falcon Trace. What you saw today was the ROAR of D.O.M.A. falling like
fireworks. And there is more from where that came from.
Fallen Dragon
Hurled down wit the hand by Falcon
All they shall speak and say unto thee: Art thou also become weak as we? Art thou become like unto us; Thy pomp is brought down to the grave; the noise of thy viols is not heard; the worm is spread under thee, and the worms cover thee. How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! Art thou cut down to the ground, which did weaken the nations!For thou hast said in thy heart: I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north;I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the Most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.
(Book of Mormon | 2 Nephi 24:10 - 15)
is not a warning voice, this is the voice of the wise rolling in their graves
and laughing at your idiosyncrasy. You
have allowed yourselves to be deceived and taken for a ride, even the
Ambassador of Iran is laughing at your weakness and stupidity, you went there
to negotiate with bluffing against a brute empire with shallow demands. And at
the end they negotiated you for you gave in to their demands. I pray you recapitulate, but if don’t I say to
you farewell, for your foolishness and shame is daunting. You were playing god
and a lesser god played you. Where the carcass is so are the vultures. In the
name of Jesus Christ, I dictate shame on you Executive Branch of the US, Shame on you
US Congress and Shame on you Vultures of Injustice that call yourselves the US Supreme
Court for your lawlessness and prevarication of law, order and justice.
is my errand today which I leave as a testament that while you slept and played
the harlot, true prophets of GOD roamed the earth and were sent to warn you and
forewarn you. These things I declare humbly and boldly with a single eye for the honor and glory of GOD in the sacred name of our Master, the LORD Jesus Christ, amen.
Angel Tinoco Rodriguez
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